"I can't eat well on the road", "All I have available is fast food and truck stop food", "I'm only home 2-3 days a week", "I sit all day, that makes me fat"...and on and on and on.
Nearly every trucker who has contacted me seems to expect me to offer a magic pill or an easy out.
I can easily sit here and preach to y'all about ending the excuses and starting the commitment but we all know that YOU need to want it, YOU need to be ready and YOU need to be willing.
So in lieu of me getting up on my soapbox or starting a trucker's cheering squad, let me tell you about my friend Wes.
Wes is a trucker. He's only home 3 days a week and commits those 3 days to the gym. While he is on the road, he commits himself to a healthy diet.
He never made excuses. What he did make were opportunities, alterations and adjustments.
He treats his body like a temple, not a tent and realized that passing on the Roy Rogers and Twinkies was a small price to pay for washboard abs. (yeah, you heard me...a ripped trucker with an 8 pack)
Questions? You know how to find me!
So, without further ado, allow me to show you what a trucker CAN accomplish...meet Wes: